Getting to Know...Kyle Cordeiro

Getting to Know...Kyle Cordeiro

X-Men Soccer midfielder Kyle Cordeiro is the final athlete to be featured in the Getting to Know your X-Women/X-Men series this summer. The Oakville, Ont. native recently completed his second year studying BSc/Eng at StFX. 

Nickname: Karl 

Pregame Routine: Watching highlights and listening to music 

Go-to warm-up song: Eye of the Tiger by Survivor 

Favourite moment to date as a StFX student-athlete: My first game as a StFX athlete 

When I'm not studying or playing my sport, I like to: Watch Netflix or work 

If I could trade lives with anyone for one day, it would be: Graham Kennedy, because he has the best job 

The next place I want to travel is: England 

My biggest pet peeve is: Being late 

One thing on my bucket list is: Complete a marathon 


Clothing Store: Nike 
Music Genre: Rap/Hip-Hop 
TV Show: Money Heist 
Restaurant: Boston Pizza 
Off-Season Activity: Working out 
Professional Sports Team: Chelsea FC 
Professional Athlete: Cristiano Ronaldo 


City or Countryside? City 
Instagram or TikTok? Instagram 
Sunrise or Sunset? Sunset 
Chocolate or Candy? Chocolate 
Ocean or Lake? Ocean 
Dog or Cat? Dog 
Laptop or Tablet? Laptop 
Winter or Summer? Summer 
Tim Horton's or Starbucks? Tim Horton's