STFX Athletics is committed to protecting the health, safety, welfare and equitable treatment of X-Men and X-Women student-athletes. We commit to creating a safe, positive and healthy training and competitive environment free of maltreatment and abuse. Safe Sport is a critical component of all levels of sport. Creating a culture that embraces safe sport and an environment where everyone can thrive is a shared responsibility. Coaches and Sport Leaders have a critical role in fostering this culture.
This resource page will continue to grow as additional policies and content are developed.
STFX Athletics Screening Policy
STFX Professional Code for Coaches
STFX Student-Athlete Code of Conduct – Varsity Sports
STFX Student-Athlete Code of Conduct – Club Sports
STFX Athletics Reporting Options & Support Resources
STFX Athletics & XREC Hazing Policy
STFX Athletics Social Media Policy
STFX Spectator Rules of Conduct
All STFX student-athletes are required to adhere to the standards of behavior described in the Student Athlete Code of Conduct, the STFX Community Code of Conduct and Atlantic University Sport Standards of Conduct.
All STFX coaches are required to adhere to the STFX Professional Coaching Code of Conduct, and the Atlantic University Sport Standards of Conduct. All STFX Athletics coaches and staff members are subject to the policies established for STFX University employees. Conduct such as hazing, harassment, and discrimination is strictly prohibited.
Harassment and Discrimination Policy
Sexual Violence Policy
StFX Community Code of Conduct
StFX University Policies
In December 2023, as mandated by the President, the VP Finance and Administration and the VP Students, the University launched the Athletic Equity, Safety and Well–Being Project and established the interdisciplinary Athletics Equity and Safety Advisory Committee. The primary goal of this committee is to support the Department of Athletics in being leaders in promoting safe, equitable, and inclusive sports environments. LEARN MORE
STFX Athletics abides by the AUS Safe Sport and Responsible Coaching guidelines, and our coaches and administrators are required to complete the following online training, education and screening through the Coaching Association of Canada’s Safe Sport Training program.
Full-time Head Coaches:
- Coaching Association of Canada Safe Sport Training
- Coaching Association of Canada Making Headway
- Coaching Association of Canada Make Ethical Decisions
- Coaching Association of Canada Mental Health in Sport
- Coaching Association of Canada Anti-Racism in Coaching
- Screening: E-PIC (Enhanced Police Information Check)
- Screening: Vulnerable Sector Check
- Respect Group: Respect in the Workplace
- Respect Group: Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders
- As well as working towards Competition Development Certification and ChPC certification through the Coaching Association of Canada
Part-time Head Coaches and full-time/part-time/volunteer Assistant Coaches:
- Coaching Association of Canada Safe Sport Training
- Coaching Association of Canada Making Headway
- Screening: E-PIC (Enhanced Police Information Check)
- Screening: Vulnerable Sector Check
- As well as working towards Competition Development Certification
Athletics & XREC Administrative and Support Staff and IST Leads:
- Coaching Association of Canada Safe Sport Training
- Coaching Association of Canada Making Headway
- Coaching Association of Canada Make Ethical Decisions
- Coaching Association of Canada Mental Health in Sport
- Coaching Association of Canada Anti-Racism in Coaching
- Screening: E-PIC (Enhanced Police Information Check)
- Respect Group: Respect in the Workplace
- Respect Group: Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders
Information regarding options for reporting concerns, supports and resources are outlined in our STFX Athletics Reporting Options & Support Resources. This includes those who believe that they have been discriminated against, treated unfairly or inappropriately or experienced sexualized violence and this relates to their participation in a sport related program, by a fellow student-athlete, a coach, a team support staff member, or other authorized individual within STFX varsity athletics or XREC.
Complaints and concerns related to matters outside STFX Athletics sport programming and operations (e.g. academic, residence, awards) should be directed to the appropriate campus department with jurisdiction over those areas; reporting options have been outlined in the document.
STFX Athletics is committed to our CORE VALUES (F.I.R.S.T.):
F - FAMILY - We foster, promote and inspire a sense of family. A "you matter and you belong" approach where we create an "X for Life" mindset.
I - INTEGRITY - Embrace courage. We serve our university and community through ethical decision-making. Do the right thing - always.
R - RESPECT - We treat everyone with dignity and respect. We champion respect through a culture of diversity, equity and inclusion.
S - SERVICE - We serve as leaders, mentors and role models to positively impact STFX University and our community. We give of ourselves to benefit others.
T - TEAMWORK - Together we WIN. We maximize our opportunities to collaborate and engage with the university and community.
The mission of the STFX Athletics Leadership Academy is to deliver a comprehensive leadership development program that will have a profound impact on STFX student-athletes both as individuals and as team leaders. We are committed to the growth and development of our student-athletes. Our athletics programs believe in making culture a competitive strength where our student-athletes are Leaders & Champions in the classroom, in competition and in our community. Our STFX Performance Pathway demonstrates that our leaders are the creators and caretakers of team culture; culture drives behaviours and those behaviours produces results. The STFX Athletics Leadership Academy strives to challenge, develop and support STFX student-athletes in their quest to become elite leaders in athletics, academics, and life.
STFX Athletics is partners with Innerlogic as we collaborate to put student-athletes at the core of our culture growth. Innerlogic's mission is to provide a world-class culture analysis solution whose goal is to create the best culture management experience and help support organizations reap the tremendous benefits of enhancing and building their culture. Department-wide analytics and reporting captures longitudinal trends and provides a continuity of support through aligned debrief processes. In addition, program specific analysis and reporting, including an integrated planning toolkit for the coaching staff is utilized. CLICK HERE to read more on the STFX Athletics - Innerlogic partnership.
STFX Athletics & Recreation coaches, administrators and IST leads are committed to ongoing professional develpoment and leading change to postively impact societal issues. The majority of our full-time coaches and staff have completed the following, and/or are working towards completion:
- Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) - Adults Who Interact with Youth
- Basic Bystander Training - Waves of Change Sexual Violence Prevention
- Responding to Disclosures of Sexual Violence
- STFX University: Anti-Racism Training
- Coaching Association of Canada: Anti-Racism in Coaching
- Coaching Association of Canada: Mental Health in Sport
- Canadian Sport Institute Atlantic: Creating an Inclusive Culture
- STFX University: Positive Space Training