Getting to Know...Logan Rieck

Getting to Know...Logan Rieck

X-Men Soccer midfielder Logan Rieck is the latest athlete featured in the Getting to Know your X-Women/X-Men series this summer. The Cambridge, Ont. native recently completed his second year at StFX in the BAHK program. 

Pregame Routine: Listen to my own music to mentally prepare for the match 

Go-to warm-up song: Switch Domain by Beckham 

Favourite moment to date as a StFX student-athlete: Has to be the bus rides back after a 6-point weekend 

When I'm not studying or playing my sport, I like to: Listen to music & stay active 

The next place I want to travel is: The U SPORTS national championship 

My biggest pet peeve is: Loud eaters or slow walkers 

One thing on my bucket list is: Skydiving 


Music Genre: British Hip-Hop 
TV Show: Unfortunately I don't watch TV 
Restaurant: Can't pick just one 
Off-Season Activity: Preparing for the summer season 
Professional Athlete: Kobe Bryant – Mamba mentality is unmatched 


City or Countryside? City 
Instagram or TikTok? Instagram 
Sunrise or Sunset? Sunset 
Chocolate or Candy? Candy 
Ocean or Lake? Ocean 
Dog or Cat? Dog 
Laptop or Tablet? Laptop 
Winter or Summer? Summer 
Tim Horton's or Starbucks? Tim Horton's