Getting to Know...Jack Kennedy

Getting to Know...Jack Kennedy

X-Men Soccer defender Jack Kennedy is the latest athlete featured in the Getting to Know your X-Women/X-Men series this summer. The Antigonish, NS native recently completed his fourth year in the BBA program at StFX. 

Pregame Routine: Drinking half a Gatorade and eating one banana 45 minutes before kick-off 

Go-to warm-up song: Limos by Vince Staples 

Favourite moment to date as a StFX student-athlete: Playing in the U SPORTS national tournament in Quebec 

When I'm not studying or playing my sport, I like to: Spend time with friends and family 

If I could trade lives with anyone for one day, it would be: Usain Bolt, because it would be cool to be the fastest person on the planet for a day 

The next place I want to travel is: Rome, Italy 

My biggest pet peeve is: People who use their phones in public settings on full volume 

One thing on my bucket list is: Run a marathon 


Clothing Store: H&M 
Music Genre: R&B 
TV Show: Breaking Bad 
Restaurant: The Brownstone 
Off-Season Activity: Running 
Professional Sports Team: Manchester United 
Professional Athlete: Kyle Lowry  


City or Countryside? City 
Instagram or TikTok? Instagram 
Sunrise or Sunset? Sunset 
Chocolate or Candy? Chocolate 
Ocean or Lake? Ocean 
Dog or Cat? Dog 
Laptop or Tablet? Laptop 
Winter or Summer? Summer 
Tim Horton's or Starbucks? Tim Horton's