Ed Carty
Ed Carty
Induction Class: 2006
Sport: Builder, Rugby

Ed Carty and Derek Wood join the StFX Sports Hall of Fame for their significant contributions and leadership to the rugby program at StFX. This tandem has been the mainstay of rugby at StFX over the past 35 years. As volunteers, these men have dedicated their time and talents to coach, organize, manage and build the game of rugby on campus and throughout the province. Their shared passion for the game and commitment to providing young athletes the opportunity to participate, sparked the introduction of the women’s rugby program in the mid 1980’s. These two men have helped shape rugby at StFX with a tradition of success highlighted by several Nova Scotia University titles and a number of Maritime University championships.
Ed and Derek are most recognized for instilling in their athletes the ideals of sportsmanship and ‘playing with class.’