Getting to Know...Nicole MacDonald

Photo courtesy Erica Roberts
Photo courtesy Erica Roberts

X-Women soccer goalkeeper Nicole MacDonald is the latest athlete featured in our Getting to Know your X-Women and X-Men series throughout the summer. Nicole is a fourth year Business student from Kanata, Ont.

My nickname(s) is…?
Nic or sometimes people call me Nikki

My favorite moment to date as a StFX student-athlete is…?
When Mary scored the game winning goal in the 88th minute against UNB in the AUS quarterfinals.

If I could be StFX President for one day I would…?
Bring BURMAC back for the day.   

A unique talent or skill I have is…?
Remembering garbage day every week  

My biggest pet peeve is…? ‎
When people are constantly on their phones when you are trying to talk to them and when people call me Nikki

My favorite childhood memory is…?
Spending hours outside playing road hockey

My dream job is…? ‎
Working for a professional sports team (business side)              

Something interesting about my hometown is…?
The biggest event year round is the Richmond Fair and is probably one of the biggest reunions  


Class:  Investment Management
Place to Study: Schwartz
Food: ‎ Chicken
Summer activity: Spending time at the cottage
Disney Movie:  Lion King
Social Media:  Facebook
TV show:  Heartland
Vacation spot:  Australia
Singer/Band:  Luke Bryan
Item of clothing:  Lulus
Pro sports team:  Toronto Blue Jays
Pro sports athlete:   Kevin Pillar