Getting to Know...Amelia Hatfield

Getting to Know...Amelia Hatfield

X-Women rugby flanker Amelia Hatfield is the latest athlete featured in our Getting to Know your X-Women and X-Men series throughout the summer. Amelia is a third year Human Kinetics student (fourth year eligibility) from Halifax, NS.

If I could be StFX President for one day I would…?
Offer free coffee for everyone

A unique talent or skill I have is…?
I can live with 6 other rugby girls for 8 months of the year

When I am not studying or playing my sport, in my spare time I like to…?
Hangout with my roommates

If I could have lunch with anyone in the world, it would be with…?

My biggest pet peeve is…? ‎
People leaving their clothes in the bathroom after they shower (I'm looking at you Sam Lake!!)

My dream job is…? ‎
Something that would pay me to travel

If I could compete in any other sport at StFX it would be…?

If I could come out at the start of a game to an entrance song, it would be…?
Would have to keep it at X gonna give it to ya

Something interesting about my hometown is…?
Halifax is closer to Dublin, Ireland than it is to Victoria, BC

My favorite moment to date as a StFX student-athlete is…?
Winning U SPORTS bronze in a few inches of snow in Lethbridge


Place to study:  Cubbies in the lib
Food:  Kenny's combo pizza
Summer activity:  Camping
Animated movie:  The original Jungle Book
Social media platform:  Snapchat
TV show:  Friends
Item of clothing:  Pajamas
Mobile app:  X-ring countdown app :)
Pro sports team:  Rugby Rangers obviously!
Pro sports athlete:  Serena Williams