Getting to Know...Lisa Gauthier
X-Women rugby athlete Lisa Gauthier is the latest athlete featured in our Getting to Know your X-Women and X-Men series throughout the summer. Lisa recently completed her fourth year at StFX and third year eligibility with the X-Women and is an Arts student from St. Bernadin, Ont.
Nickname: Gauts
What brought you to StFX?
StFX was known for having the best rugby coach and the best rugby team. I wanted to play amongst the best to improve my skills and increase my chances of being scouted by the national senior women’s team.
What has been your best moment in a StFX uniform so far?
Every moment has been amazing, however, I hope the best will be winning nationals on our home turf in November.
One thing I cannot live without is…?
Lululemon and Ketchup
If I could have super-hero powers I would…?
Healing powers
My biggest pet peeve is…?
When mom and dad don’t pay my Visa.
My dream vacation destination is…?
Ireland, ever since I saw the movie 'P.S. I love you'.
My dream job is…?
Stay at home mom
Tell us one thing that fans may not know about you?
I put ketchup on EVERYTHING.
1. Past-time/hobby: Painting my nails/Zumba
2. Food: Sushi and Ketchup
3. Website: Duh! Facebook!
4. TV show: The Game
5. Movie: La Vie en Rose
6. Actor/Actress: Ryan Gosling
7. Singer/Band: Mumford and Sons
8. Sport (other than your own): Basketball
9. Pro sports team: All Blacks (New Zealand Rugby Team)
10. Pro sports athlete: Richie McCaw