Getting to Know...Magali Harvey

Getting to Know...Magali Harvey

X-Women rugby fullback Magali Harvey is the latest athlete featured in our Getting to Know your X-Women and X-Men series throughout the summer. Magali recently completed her third year eligibility with the X-Women and is an Arts student from Quebec City.

What brought you to StFX?
I played Canada U20 with some of the girls that went to X and they spoke to coach Mike so that I could come on a recruitment visit. I was planning to come down just to have a fun two days but when I came, I fell in love with the school, the town and the people.

What has been your best moment in a StFX uniform so far?
When the score was tied in the CIS finals against Concordia University (two years ago) to then have our team score in overtime; it was simply amazing.

One thing I cannot live without is…?
I love music of all genres and hadn't realized how much I loved in until I lost my iPod.

If I could have super-hero powers I would…?
I would want to be like wolverine (without the claws and the sideburns) and heel at incredible speed. Rugby is a contact sport and injuries are the worst.

My biggest pet peeve is…?
I don't really have one but the word 'like'... It seems like people use it like all the time!

My dream vacation destination is…?
Anywhere where its sunny... It’s the people I'm with that would create the dream vacation, not the location.

My dream job is…?
Representing an international company that cares and doesn't seek success by bringing other organizations down. (I know it sounds cheesy and probably unrealistic)

Tell us one thing that fans may not know about you?
I love being the Go-Go mascot because I get to make people laugh by doing silly things and no one knows it’s me ?


1.  Past-time/hobby:  I'm a bit of a nerd and love watching documentaries.

2.  Food:  Well-made sushi

3.  Website: (music dahh)

4.  TV show:  The Big Bang Theory

5.  Movie:  Probably The Notebook

6.  Actor/Actress:  I don't watch many movies so I'm probably very biased but I love will Smith, he makes me go through a whole range of emotions!

7.  Singer/Band:  Don't have one, they all rock my world!

8.  Sport (other than your own):  Football: I used to hate it as a kid until I played on the team and started understanding the rules.

9.  Pro sports team:  All-Blacks rugby team

10.  Pro sports athlete:  Serena Williams... I've never played tennis but I admire her intensity and have always wanted to reflect it in my own discipline (rugby).