Community Service Profile: Jamee George

Community Service Profile:  Jamee George
Why is it important for you to be actively involved in community initiatives?

JG:  I think it is important for students, especially varsity athletes to be active in their community because it shows that we not only care about our university, but we also care about the people and community outside of the university. Without the Antigonish community, we would not have as many spectators coming to our games, cheering us on, and helping us fund our athletic programs here at StFX.  I believe that it is good to get to know the people who are helping us out, and giving back to our community is a way of saying "Thanks for helping us out!"

Is there a certain something or someone that you draw inspiration from to help others out?

I don't think there was something or someone in particular that inspired me to help others, I like to think i was just born with a helping hand. I do remember one incident in my life though that did open my eyes to how fortunate I really am. I was in Ottawa at a conference for this volunteer group in high school through the Sexuality and Education Resource Centre (SERC) and I was walking down a street downtown with another girl I had met at the conference. On this street there were a whole bunch of teenagers and young adults who were sitting on the side of the street as if they were without a home. Some were asking for money while others were asking for food, and at that point I didn't really think twice about giving them money but the girl I was with all of a sudden out of the blue bought this guy a meal from a local fast food restaurant. From that moment I realized how lucky I was to be able to have a roof over my head, and have a meal on my table.

I think that day I took a step back, and looked at my life and realized that I was very fortunate to be where I am today. Many people do not get the opportunity to play sports, travel the world, go to university, or even have a home or a meal to eat. I always try to help out others, because I never know if someday I might be that one who needs the help. I also believe in Karma, you do a good deed and when your time comes it may bring good back to you!

What is your favorite event the SALT (Student Athlete Leadership Team) team contributes to each year?

JG:  If I had to pick a favorite one that I thought was most memorable from my past 3 years with SALT, I think i would choose last year when I volunteered with Tim Horton's Cupful of Care. I think that was my favorite because I got to interact with people in the community, and making coffee was pretty fun!  Although, this year we are getting a head start on the annual Charity Event and I think that this year it will be a big hit!  Last year I helped design the relay race which turned out to be a really fun, and amusing event!

How are you able to organize your time and juggle athletics, academics and SALT commitments all at once?

Well lucky for me, my sport (rugby) is only a fall sport and so I am not so busy second term as compared to the full season athletes. I do find though that the busier I am, the more organized and productive I am. It really isn't that hard, I always have breaks in between my classes and so I just try to fit everything in so it seems just like an 8 hour day job. Also my apartment lacks cable.... enough said.