Sasho MacKenzie
Sasho MacKenzie
Title: Assistant Coach

Dr. Sasho MacKenzie grew up in French Creek, PEI where he participated in numerous sports including volleyball and track & field. He was captain of the Canada Games Men’s Volleyball team in 1997 and was a setter for the Dalhousie Men’s team which won four AUS Championships from 1997-2000. Sasho then pursued a PhD in Biomechanics at the University of Saskatchewan. During his time in Saskatoon, he was an assistant coach with the women’s volleyball team and also finished his CIS eligibility by competing with the men’s track & field team in the pentathlon. In 2002, he earned a CIS gold medal while competing with the Huskies. In 2005, he was a Jumps Coach when both the men’s and women’s track teams won gold at the CIS national championships.

As a sport biomechanics consultant, Dr. MacKenzie has worked with Olympians and Canadian champions in sports such as bob sleigh, track & field, figure skating, and volleyball. He is currently a professor in the Department of Human Kinetics at StFX University and his research interests lie in the optimization of human movement with a strong emphasis on sport performance. His research and expertise encompass both optimal sport movement patterns, as well as, the most advantageous training techniques.