Getting to Know...Keegan Vosman

Getting to Know...Keegan Vosman

X-Men football fullback Keegan Vosman is the latest athlete featured in our Getting to Know your X-Women and X-Men series throughout the summer. Keegan recently completed his third year with the X-Men and is an Education student from Antigonish, NS.


What brought you to StFX?
I was born and raised in Antigonish and always wanted to go to X since I was very young. I always idolized X athletes and it was a dream of mine to become one someday. I came in with fellow 'nish' athletes Stu Walsh, and Rhett Thompson so it made it an even better experience being here with some of my best friends from high school.

What has been your best moment in a StFX uniform so far?
There's lots but a couple that stand out are our team's home playoff win vs Acadia in 2009, and also this past year's homecoming. The stands were packed and we played a solid game, also had a couple catches that game which is rare for me so it made it that much more special. But above all that has to be the release of the depth chart for the first game in 2010 where I finally made it to be a starter and realized how all my hard work had finally paid off and I had accomplished a goal that had been 5 years in the making.

One thing I cannot live without isÉ?
Besides my best friend in the whole wide world Daniel McLeish?! Oh man, gotta be coffee....I'm an addict to the worst degree, I'm getting to a point where I can't pass a Tim Hortons without getting one.

If I could have super-hero powers I wouldÉ?
Be able to teleport and have super strength like Jainyme DaSilveira

My biggest pet peeve isÉ?
Slow walkers....I'm trying to get to class here and texting while taking up the sidewalk isn't helping me get there.

My dream vacation destination isÉ?
For years I've wanted to backpack and travel down Western Europe---Start in Ireland and end in Greece. That would be unreal!

My dream job isÉ?
Phys Ed teacher or sports performance trainer/consultant. Would love the opportunity to work with young athletes

Tell us one thing that fans may not know about you?
I was brought up on a dairy farm in St. Andrews, Antigonish, and still love the summer hay seasons every year. Oh and I religiously follow a pre-game routine before every game starting with what I eat the night before to how I tape my's all methodical and down to a science now.


1.Ê Past-time/hobby:Ê been perfecting my yo-yo skills since 2000. Also like playing guitar when I'm bored

2.Ê Food:Ê Steak and tuna melts....still waiting for a spot that'll serve both in the same dish.

3.Ê Website:Ê twitter......@KeeganVosman34

4.Ê TV show:Ê Home Improvement, Spartacus

5.Ê Movie:Ê Evolution and Toy Story 1,2,3

6.Ê Actor/Actress:Ê Bradley Cooper and Sean William Scott

7.Ê Singer/Band:Ê I listen to a lot of Down With Webster, John Mayer, Drake, and Blake Shelton. All-time Favorite song has to be "It's a Great Day to Be Alive" by Travis Tritt though.

8.Ê Sport (other than your own):Ê Basketball

9.Ê Pro sports team:Ê SAN DIEGO CHARGERS!!!

10.Ê Pro sports athlete:Ê Akeem Foster, BC Lions.....and Antonio Gates, San Diego Chargers