Hood gets his shot with Western

Hood gets his shot with Western

A piece of Jonathan Hood will always reside with the St. Francis Xavier X-Men, but he’s all Western Mustang today.


Hood was an all-star defensive back and kick returner for the X-Men for four seasons before the Edmonton Eskimos took him in the fourth round of the CFL draft in April.


Rather than returning to Antigonish for a fifth year, the Mississauga native chose Western, where he is a pursuing a post-graduate degree in psychology. He is also eyeing another chance in the CFL next season.


"We’re all focused," Hood said Saturday. "This is our Vanier Cup. We’re just looking to win this game."


Fast and strong, Hood holds the AUS record for the longest touchdown, running back a missed field goal 128 yards against Acadia in last year’s conference semifinal. Ironically, Hood’s AUS career ended with a one-point loss to the Huskies a week later in the Loney Bowl.


Now a linebacker, Hood has been an invaluable resource to the Mustangs in preparation for today’s Mitchell Bowl against the Saint Mary’s Huskies. Hood faced the Huskies at least twice a year in his time with the X-Men.


It’s been an interesting year for Hood.


"It was tough, especially coming back from Edmonton. You learn a new system and a new defence and meet new guys and then come to Western and do the exact same thing. But my teammates, coaches and alumni helped me. It was challenging."


He found himself in the midst of a mild controversy during the week.


SMU receiver Carl Hardwick’s post-Loney Bowl comments describing the AUS as "the elite conference" found their way to the Mustangs’ camp via the Ontario media.


Western saw the comments as smack talk and Hood weighed in to say that this year’s SMU team may not be as good as some recent Huskies teams.


"Hardwick mentioned that the AUS was the elite conference and if he said that a few years ago maybe I would have agreed," Hood said. "But now I don’t think there is any validity in him saying that."


As for his own team, he doesn’t lack confidence.


"We’ve proved that we are at the top of this conference and we feel we can roll with anyone in the CIS."


Hood had one last comment.


"Give a shout out to the X-Men," he said.

Courtesy Monty Mosher, The Chronicle Herald