StFX X-Women Hockey
History of U SPORTS Major Awards

U SPORTS Player of the Year - Brodrick Trophy
Tyra Meropoulis, 2019-20
Daley Oddy, 2017-18
Sarah Bujold, 2016-17
Brayden Ferguson, 2007-08

U SPORTS Rookie of the Year
Abby Lewis, 2021-22
Alexa Normore, 2010-11

U SPORTS Championship Fair Play Award
Katie Harvieux, 2009-10
Suzanne Fenerty, 2008-09 & 2007-08
Kelly Boudreau, 2005-06

U SPORTS Championship All Stars

Alex Normore 2014-15
Jenna Downey 2012-13
Suzanne Fenerty 2010-11
Carolyn Campbell 2010-11
Katie Harvieux 2005-06
Amy Handrahan 2001-02
Leanne MacDonald 1999-00