Getting to Know...Mallory MacDonnell


X-Women soccer midfielder Mallory MacDonnell is the latest athlete featured in our Getting to Know your X-Women and X-Men series throughout the summer. Mallory recently completed her third year with the X-Women and is a Science student from Dartmouth, NS.

Nickname: Mal, sometimes Malfoy

What brought you to StFX? 
Both of my parents are from Antigonish and a lot of my family attended X, it just seemed like the right place for me.

What has been your best moment in a StFX uniform so far? 
The first game that I started is a moment that stands out, but every time I step on the field, I know that I am doing something I love! 
One thing I cannot live without is…? 
My Family. They have always supported my academics and sports. It`s also nice to be able to go home for a break throughout the school year sometimes to visit.

If I could have super-hero powers I would…? 
Either fly or be invisible

My biggest pet peeve is…? 
When there is no orange juice left

My dream vacation destination is…? 
Anywhere I can explore and scuba dive! Belize would be amazing!

My dream job is…? 
Conservation Ecologist

Tell us one thing that fans may not know about you?
Ever since I was a kid, I have been fascinated with sharks and have always wanted to swim with them


1. Past-time/hobby: Baking

2. Food: Pizza

3. Website: Youtube

4. TV show: The Big Bang Theory

5. Movie: I`m a Harry Potter fan

6. Actor/Actress: Emma Watson

7. Singer/Band: The Eagles & John Mayer

8. Sport (other than your own): Volleyball, I love watching my sister play

9. Pro sports team:  Netherlands national team

10. Pro sports athlete: Frank Lampard