Getting to Know...Brittney Perkins

Getting to Know...Brittney Perkins

X-Women hockey forward Brittney Perkins is the latest athlete featured in our Getting to Know your X-Women and X-Men series throughout the summer. Brittney recently completed her third year at StFX and second year eligibility with the X-Women and is a Human Kinetics student from North Gower, Ont.

Nickname:Ê Bones

What brought you to StFX?
I actually didn't know too much about StFX until I was recruited by David Synishin. After I spoke with him, I looked into what it had to offer me both academically and athletically. With all the success StFX has had in both of those areas, it would have been very difficult to pass up such a great opportunity to come here.

What has been your best moment in a StFX uniform so far?
Definitely winning a CIS silver medal in the 2010-2011season. We worked so hard that year and had a great group of girls, having it pay off in the end was very rewarding.

One thing I cannot live without isÉ?
Music. I always have it playing, regardless of what I'm doing. It always puts me in a good mood and helps get me ready for games.

If I could have super-hero powers I wouldÉ?
I'm going to say teleportation. That way I could travel and get to see the world for free, I think that would be really exciting.

My biggest pet peeve isÉ?
People reading over my shoulder. Whether it's my school work, computer, or phone, it just really bothers me for some reason.

My dream vacation destination isÉ?
Anywhere warm and all-inclusive. I'd really enjoy being able to just relax and sit by the ocean for a few days with nothing to worry about.

My dream job isÉ?
I'm hoping to get into physiotherapy or chiropractic school, something along those lines. I want to be in a profession where I can actively engage in helping people get better, I know I'd enjoy doing that the rest of my life.

Tell us one thing that fans may not know about you?
I went skydiving last summer. I'm absolutely terrified of heights, so being able to do that was a big accomplishment for me. Given the chance I'd probably do it again, it was such a rush and helped me get a hold of my fear.


1.Ê Past-time/hobby:Ê Listening to / playing music.
2.Ê Food:Ê Mashed potatoes with gravy.
3.Ê Website:Ê YouTube
4.Ê TV show:ÊÊ One Tree Hill
5.Ê Movie:ÊÊ Step Up
6.Ê Actor/Actress:Ê Channing Tatum
7.Ê Singer/Band:ÊÊ Don't think I could decide on a favourite, I love it all.
8.Ê Sport (other than your own):Ê Volleyball
9.Ê Pro sports team:Ê Ottawa Senators
10.Ê Pro sports athlete:Ê Sidney Crosby