Getting to Know...Mark Harpur

Getting to Know...Mark Harpur

X-Men soccer midfielder Mark Harpur is the latest athlete featured in our Getting to Know your X-Women and X-Men series throughout the summer. Mark recently completed his second year with the X-Men and is an Arts student from Calgary, Alta.

Nickname:  Harps

What brought you to StFX?
I ended up playing on a men’s team in Calgary with many former and current players who were instrumental in bringing me to StFX.

What has been your best moment in a StFX uniform so far?
Beating Bryant University, a division one NCAA team during our pre-season tournament in the U.S in my first year.

One thing I cannot live without is…?
All sports. I am a self-admitted sports junkie.

If I could have super-hero powers I would…?
I would want to be able to fly.

My biggest pet peeve is…?
When people chew their gum really loud.

My dream vacation destination is…?
Brazil 2014 for the FIFA World Cup!

My dream job is…?
To open and run my own business, whatever it may be.

Tell us one thing that fans may not know about you?
After graduating high school I spent 2 years living in Liege, Belgium.


1.  Past-time/hobby:  Playstation 3. I am definitely the best on the X-Men soccer team at NHL and arguably the best at FIFA now that Graeme Spink is no longer with us!

2.  Food:  Steak and mashed potatoes.

3.  Website:

4.  TV show:  Pardon the Interruption

5.  Movie:  Happy Gilmore

6.  Actor/Actress:  Adam Sandler

7.  Singer/Band:  Notorious B.I.G

8.  Sport (other than your own):  Hockey/Basketball

9.  Pro sports team:  Calgary Flames

10.  Pro sports athlete:  Kobe Bryant