Getting to Know...Andrew MacDonald

Getting to Know...Andrew MacDonald

X-Men soccer goalkeeper Andrew MacDonald is the latest athlete featured in our Getting to Know your X-Women and X-Men series throughout the summer. Andrew recently completed his third year with the X-Men and is a Business student from Antigonish, N.S.

What brought you to StFX?
Nothing brought me, I was always here. I grew up and Antigonish and decided to stay here to play in my home town. Coming out of high school I knew the X soccer program was really strong and wanted to be a part of a winning team.

What has been your best moment in a StFX uniform so far?
Definitely beating DAL on homecoming last year. We were playing under the lights in front of a huge homecoming crowd and played an excellent game winning 2-0, the environment and excitement of all the guys was amazing! Unforgettable night.

One thing I cannot live without is…?
Mountain Dew (favorite flavour is white-out, followed closely by code red)

If I could have super-hero powers I would…?
My ideal super hero would be to have all of Spiderman’s super powers with all of Batman’s gadgets and money. Also, I could read minds, control time, and move things with my mind. (Note: I would use the time control responsibly)

My biggest pet peeve is…?
When you’re eating Pringles and you get to the point where you can't fit your hand into the can anymore, so you have to tilt the can horizontally and pour them out to reach them. There should be some sort of double barrelled Pringle can or some way to push them up from the bottom.

My dream vacation destination is…?
Going to space?

My dream job is…?
Water-slide tester

Tell us one thing that fans may not know about you?
I secretly wish that I could play as an outfield player and score goals, and am still waiting for my opportunity. Until then I am a goalkeeper.


1.  Past-time/hobby:  Seasonal outdoor activities, such as camping, canoeing, skiing, etc.
2.  Food:   Toss up between nachos and cheese, and A&W Mozza burgers.
3.  Website:
4.  TV show:  Breaking bad (currently)
5.  Movie:   Donnie Darko, MacGruber, Anchorman
6.  Actor/Actress:  Natalie Portman <3
7.  Singer/Band:  Dispatch
8.  Sport (other than your own):  Table Tennis/Skiing/regular tennis
9.  Pro sports team:   Barcelona fc
10.  Pro sports athlete:  Josh MacIntyre