Getting to Know...Asya Bartley

Getting to Know...Asya Bartley

X-Women rugby prop Asya Bartley is the latest athlete featured in our Getting to Know your X-Women and X-Men series throughout the summer. Asya recently completed her third year with the X-Women and is a Human Kinetics student from Ottawa, ON.

What brought you to StFX?
A former member of the X rugby team told me about the StFX, and Mike and I discussed flying out there for a visit. Once I got there I knew this was the school I wanted to go to. It had both Human Kinetics and an amazing rugby program. Everything just fell into place at X.

What has been your best moment in a StFX uniform so far?
Best moment in a StFX uniform was winning the 2010 CIS Nationals in Peterborough. When Olivia scored that winning try I never felt so much happiness and relief.

What are you most looking forward to this season?
Seeing my teammates, getting to know the new rookies and working even harder to winning Nationals again.

Who has been the most influential person in your life (and why)?
My mom has been the most influential person in my life. She has always supported me in everything I do. She would do anything to provide me with the things I need to succeed in rugby, school and anything I thrive to do.

One thing I cannot live without is…?
One thing I couldn’t live without is God. He has truly blessed me in everything I do.

My dream vacation destination is…?
My dream vacation destination would be Australia. I really want to see a kangaroo up close ?

Tell us one thing that fans may not know about you?
One thing the fans wouldn’t know about me is that I love to sing out loud in my house, and learn crazy dances with my brother from YouTube.


Past-time/hobby:  singing and dancing

Restaurant: McDonalds

Book: Bible

TV show: Family Guy

Movie: Love and Basketball

Actor/Actress: Will Smith

Singer/Band: Beyonce

Sport (other than your own): Basketball

Pro sports team: South Africa rugby team (Springboks)

Pro sports athlete: Michael Jordan