Getting to Know...Melissa Gottschall

Getting to Know...Melissa Gottschall

X-Women basketball guard Melissa Gottschall is the latest athlete featured in our Getting to Know your X-Women and X-Men series throughout the summer. Melissa recently completed her third year with the X-Women and is a Business student from Antigonish, N.S.

Nickname:  Mel

My favorite StFX sporting moment to date is…?
Making AUS finals last year at UPEI

If I could meet any famous person it would be…?
Brett Lawrie

My favorite Disney movie or character is…?
Finding Nemo

My biggest pet peeve is…?
Uneven hoodie strings

My dream job is…?

My biggest fan is…?
My brother

Tell us something interesting about your hometown?
Home of the longest running Highland Games outside of Scotland (151 years this year)


Color:  Blue

Number:  8

Food:  Wings

Holiday:  New Years

Social Media:  #twitter

TV show:  Suits

Vacation spot:  PEI

Singer/Band:  Blake Shelton

Item of clothing:  Hoodies

Pro sports team:  Raptors and Blue Jays

Pro sports athlete:  Kyle Lowry