Getting to Know...Jagger Dirk

Photo courtesy Michelle Campbell
Photo courtesy Michelle Campbell

X-Men hockey defenseman Jagger Dirk is the latest athlete featured in our Getting to Know your X-Women and X-Men series throughout the summer. Jagger is a third year Business student from Penticton, B.C.

My nicknames are…?  
Jags and jagermeister

My favorite moment to date as a StFX student-athlete is…?
Winning the AUS Championship last year

If I could be StFX President for one day I would…?
Build a new gym

A unique talent or skill I have is…?
Winning card games on the bus

My biggest pet peeve is…? ‎
Bad driving

My favorite childhood memory is…?
Watching my dad play hockey

My dream job is…?
Pro hockey player

Something interesting about my hometown is…?
Penticton is known for its' peaches


Class: Managerial Accounting
Place to Study: At home
Food: ‎Sushi
Summer activity: Wakeboarding
Disney Movie: Lion King
Social Media: Facebook
TV show: Game of Thrones
Vacation spot: Mexico
Singer/Band: Florida Georgia Line
Item of clothing: Workout shorts
Pro sports team: Chicago Blackhawks
Pro sports athlete: Bobby Orr