Getting to Know...Hayden Peters

Getting to Know...Hayden Peters

X-Men football defensive back/punter Hayden Peters is the latest athlete featured in our Getting to Know your X-Women and X-Men series throughout the summer. Hayden recently completed his second year with the X-Men and is a Human Kinetics student from Inverary, Ont.

Nickname:  Haydy

My favorite StFX sporting moment to date is…?
Training camp...said no one ever. Homecoming both years was pretty wild, and winning AUS track & field gold in the 4x400m.

If I could meet any famous person it would be…?
The Dixie Chicks.  Some don't believe in love at first site but when they sang Cowboy take me away at the Calgary Stampede, I fell for them harder than Charlton under a squat bar.

My favorite Disney movie or character is…?
101 dalmatians, Cruella Deville

My biggest pet peeve is…?
Dad's 'little jobs'.  Also not waking up organically on weekends really sucks. Also when people scratch those agenda covers we got in elementary school, gave me the shivers.

My dream job is…?
CFL or to become a Vet. Little hobby farm on the side of either wouldn't be opposed to.

My biggest fan is…?
Momma bear

Tell us something interesting about your hometown?
There is about 70 people, all farmers, and recently we got new guardrails going up Moreland's hill. If you stand on such hill you can see all the way across the town. Very little happens in the metropolis of Inverary. 


Color:  Camo

Number:  10

Food:  BBQ burgers

Holiday:  St. Pattys Day. I'm part irish so I can take that day off.

Social Media:  The Scram, not yet a participating member but have huge plans to become one once a new phone is bought.

TV show:  Canada in the Rough

Vacation Spot:  Backpacking Europe with Doom.

Item of clothing:  Bass Pro Hat

Pro sports team:  HEAT

Pro Sports Athlete:  Bryan Allen, Devon Bailey, Jimmer