StFX Accolades


X-Women & X-Men Team Awards

A history of the awards handed out yearly to each X-Women and X-Men team can be found on each team's homepage, under the Awards section, or by clicking on the following links:

X-Women Basketball X-Men Basketball
X-Women Cross Country Track X-Men Cross Country Track
X-Women Hockey X-Men Hockey
X-Women Rugby X-Men Football
X-Women Soccer X-Men Soccer
X-Women Volleyball  

StFX Student-Athletes of the Year

The Male and Female Student-Athlete of the Year awards are presented annually to a ‘bona-fide’ male student-athlete and a female student-athlete of StFX University. The purpose of the awards shall be to encourage athletic and intellectual ability and to develop character and leadership among the student-athletes of StFX University. CLICK HERE for a complete history on past Student-Athlete of the Year winners.

StFX Community X-Cellence Awards

The StFX Community X-Cellence Awards were established in 2006, and are major awards presented to a StFX male and female student-athlete in recognition of their outstanding community initiative and involvement, volunteer experience and extra curricular contributions outisde of their varsity and academic experience. CLICK HERE for a complete history on past Community X-Cellence Award winners. 

StFX X-Ceptional Award

The StFX Athletics X-Ceptional Award was established in 2006 and is given in recognition of an individual who goes above and beyond their volunteer responsibilities and contributes in a positive manner to StFX Athletics. CLICK HERE for a complete history on past X-Ceptional Award winners.

StFX Coach of the Year

The StFX Coach of the Year Award was established in 2013 and is given in recognition of a StFX head coach who has made a significant impact over the course of the year. CLICK HERE for a complete historty of past Coach of the Year award winners.