Getting to Know...Mercy Myles

Getting to Know...Mercy Myles

X-Women Soccer midfielder Mercy Myles is the latest athlete featured in our Getting to Know your X-Women and X-Men series throughout the summer. Mercy is a fourth year Arts student from Accra, Ghana.

If I could be StFX President for a day I would?
No Idea

When I am not studying or playing my sport, in my spare time I like to?
Be by myself and relax/plan 

If I could have lunch with anyone in the world, it would be with?
Anyone worth having lunch with

My dream job is?
Soccer Coach

If I could compete in any other sport at StFX it would be?

If I could come out at the start of a game to an entrance song, it would be?
Sign of a Victory by Robert Kelly

Something interesting about my hometown is?  Tourism - our Lake Volta is the largest man-made lake

My favorite moment to date as a StFX student-athlete is?  Memories of first year AUS champions

Favorite class?  HKIN 215/416- Motor control/learning

Favorite place to study?  Coady Library

Favorite food?  While in Canada - rice, in Ghana - Banku and okro stew

Favorite summer activity?  work, relax and playing soccer

Favorite animated movie?  Lion King

Favorite social media platform?  Facebook

Favorite TV show?  Friends/my girl friends

Favorite mobile app? mFacebook messenger

Favorite pro sports team?  Bayern/Man U

Favorite pro sports athlete?  Inesta / Ronaldino / Paul Progba