Getting to Know...Courtney Auer-Weatherell

Photo courtesy Erica Roberts
Photo courtesy Erica Roberts

X-Women soccer defender Courtney Auer-Weatherell is the latest athlete featured in our Getting to Know your X-Women and X-Men series throughout the summer. Courtney is a fourth year Human Kinetics student from Ottawa, Ont.

My nickname is…?

My favorite moment to date as a StFX student-athlete is…?
Mary Mac scoring the game winning goal in our playoff game against UNB in the 89th minute this past year.

If I could be StFX President for one day I would…?

Somehow turn the school into a water park/amusement park... a little far-fetched I know

A unique talent or skill I have is…?
I'd like to think I'm pretty decent at doing impersonations

My biggest pet peeve is…? ‎
People who walk to fast ... I'm 5'2 and have short legs

My favorite childhood memory is…?
I used to go camping at Awenda/Georgian Bay for a week or two at the end of August every year

My dream job is…? ‎
Sports psychologist for a pro team/athlete

Something interesting about my hometown is…?
I live in a small town called Osgoode or O-So-Goode and there is a llama farm off of the main street


Class: Deviance and Social Control

Place to Study: my room

Food: ‎Steak, Ribs, moms homemade pesto pasta, sushi, anything from the Tall & Small menu...

Summer activity: Anything outdoors

Disney Movie: The Little Mermaid

Social Media: Instagram

TV show: Game of Thrones or One Tree Hill

Vacation spot: Anywhere that's hot

Singer/Band: I don't really have one... but you can never go wrong with country 

Item of clothing: Lulu's #whitegirl

Pro sports team: Barcelona

Pro sports athlete: Messi and Ronaldinho