Getting to Know...Nicole Halladay

Getting to Know...Nicole Halladay

X-Women hockey defense Nicole Halladay is the latest athlete featured in our Getting to Know your X-Women and X-Men series throughout the summer. Nicole is a fourth year Human Kinetics student from Smith Falls, Ont.

If I could be StFX President for a day I would?
Lower the prices at Mini Moes

A unique talent or skill I have is?
Making a mean mixed drink

When I am not studying or playing my sport, in my spare time I like to?
Cooking up some pinterest recipes

If I could have lunch with anyone in the world, it would be with?
Donald Trump

My biggest pet peeve is?
Loud/agressive chewing

My dream job is?
Nursing abroad

If I could compete in any other sport at StFX it would be?

If I could come out at the start of a game to an entrance song, it would be?
Anything Ke$ha

Something interesting about my hometown is?
The Hershey's factory turned into a medical marijuana factory.

My favorite moment to date as a StFX student-athlete is?
First year AUS finals / every Split Crow Sunday fun day

FAVORITE class?  Social Psychology

FAVORITE place to study?  At home with my white board

FAVORITE food?  Lobster / any and all seafood

FAVORITE summer activity?  Tennis

FAVORITE animated movie?  Tangled

FAVORITE social media? Insta

FAVORITE TV show?  Grey's Anatomy

FAVORITE item of clothing?  MY guns and roses long sleeve

FAVORITE mobile app?  Spotify

FAVORITE pro sports team?  Ottawa Senators

FAVORITE pro sports athlete?  Brooke Henderson