Getting to Know...Tim Brennan

Photo courtesy UdeM
Photo courtesy UdeM

X-Men track & field sprinter Tim Brennan is the latest athlete featured in our Getting to Know your X-Women and X-Men series throughout the summer. Tim is a third year Human Kinetics student from Beechwood, N.B.

My nicknames are…?  
Tim, Timbo Slice

My favorite moment to date as a StFX student-athlete is…?
Beating Jake McKenna in a hurdle race

If I could be StFX President for one day I would…?
Re-instate BURMAC

A unique talent or skill I have is…?
I do a mean Running Man

My biggest pet peeve is…? ‎
Toast crumbs in the butter

My favorite childhood memory is…?
Playing hockey on the outdoor rink

My dream job is…? ‎
Professional Athlete, or a Scout

Something interesting about my hometown is…?
It's the French fry capital of the world!


Class:  Football I & II

Place to Study: The Sub

Food:  Barbecued chicken and potatoes ‎

Summer activity: Playing sports and kayaking

Disney Movie:  Brother Bear

Social Media:  Snapchat

TV show:  How I met your mother or Suits

Vacation spot:  Australia ‎

Singer/Band:  Avicii

Item of clothing:  Jogging pants

Pro sports team:  Toronto Maple Leafs

Pro sports athlete:  Jonathan Toews