Getting to Know...Jake McKenna

Getting to Know...Jake McKenna

X-Men track & field athlete Jake McKenna is the latest athlete featured in our Getting to Know your X-Women and X-Men series throughout the summer. Andrew recently completed his second year with the X-Men and is a Business student from Calgary, Alta.

Nickname:  Not sure I have one, some people call me Jay Mack…but not many

My favorite StFX sporting moment to date is…?
Winning the first ever Track & Field AUS banner for X, that was unreal

If I could meet any famous person it would be…?
Michael Jordan, no doubt

My favorite Disney movie or character is…?
Lion King!

My biggest pet peeve is…?
People who walk really slow and take up the whole sidewalk

My dream job is…?
Running my own business of some sort, I don't know what yet though

My biggest fan is…?
My parents and the boys living at 2 Coady Avenue this coming year!

Tell us something interesting about your hometown?
Calgary, Alberta, and it's home of the Calgary Stampede! It's a blast!


Color:  Navy blue

Number:  8

Food:  T-bone steak

Holiday:  Christmas

Social Media:  Facebook

TV show:  Sports Centre

Vacation spot:  Hawaii

Singer/Band:  Zac Brown Band

Item of clothing:  My StFX track pants

Pro sports team:  Oklahoma City Thunder

Pro sports athlete:  Kevin Durant