Getting to Know...Ryan Hawkrigg
X-Men track and field athlete Ryan Hawkrigg is the latest athlete featured in our Getting to Know your X-Women and X-Men series throughout the summer. Ryan recently completed his third year with the X-Men and is a Human Kinetics student from Lindsay, Ont.
Nickname: I get called "Hawk" from time to time. Does that count?
What brought you to StFX?
Human Kinetics program
What has been your best moment in a StFX uniform so far?
First year AUS track and field - such a good feeling being in an X jersey!
One thing I cannot live without is…?
Chocolate Milk
If I could have super-hero powers I would…?
Read peoples’ minds, or flying would be pretty sweet too.
My biggest pet peeve is…?
Having a pen run out of brutal.
My dream vacation destination is…?
New Zealand
My dream job is…?
Being able to not work and live high up in the mountains...I think that’s called a hermit.
Tell us one thing that fans may not know about you?
Well I am told that I am a great dancer. Ask me sometime!
1. Past-time/hobby: Reading books that have nothing to do with my classes. Bad habit during the school year!
2. Food: Grandma's good, you have no idea! Love you Grandma!
3. Website: or Hype Machine keeps me up to date with great music.
4. TV show: Smallville
5. Movie: Space Jam
6. Actor/Actress: Kirsten Dunst
7. Singer/Band: A Day To Remember... if you like loud music check them out!
8. Sport (other than your own): Basketball
9. Pro sports team: Toronto Maple Leafs
10. Pro sports athlete: Michael Jordan