X-Women attend track nationals
\r\n X-Women Compete at Track Nationals \r\n \r\n Mar 13, 2008 - The X-Women indoor track team sent two representatives recently to the CIS track championship at McGill University in Montreal. Fourth year runner Sarah Skotty (second year Education student) from Greene, NY was the AUS champion in the 3000m event and she competed in the national event, placing 11th overall posting a time of 10:21.48. Her teammate Gina Stewart, a third year Aquatic Resources student from Antigonish, NS also competed in the 3000m race and placed 9th, with a time of 10:01.15. Stewart was within medal grasp leading into the final 300 meters but struggled down the final stretch and fell off the leaders pace. Lindsay Carson of Guelph was the race winner, finishing in a time of 9:41.19, followed by Paula Findlay of Alberta (9:41.46) and Ashley Hinther of Victoria (9:42.46). StFX’s Gina Stewart also participated in the women’s 1500m event and placed ninth overall. She ran the race win a time of 4:37.69. Hinther from Victoria was the race winner at 4:31.60, followed by Jessica O’Connell of Calgary (4:31.91) and Carson of Guelph (4:31.95). \r\nAt the championship awards luncheon, Sarah Skotty earned national recognition when she was announced as the CIS Student-Athlete Community Service Award recipient. The award recognizes excellence in athletics, academics and community involvement. \r\n |