Getting to Know...Brett Morrison
X-Men hockey center Brett Morrison is the latest athlete featured in our Getting to Know your X-Women and X-Men series throughout the summer. Brett recently completed his third year with the X-Men and is an Arts student from Howie Centre, NS.
What brought you to StFX?
I have always known StFX was a great school and known for its hockey program. I love the town, the athletic program and the small-town university feeling.
What has been your best moment in a StFX uniform so far?
I would say the best moment would have to be making it to Nationals this year at UNB. It was a great experience and something I would like to do again.
What are you most looking forward to this season?
Having another successful season and making it back to Nationals.
Who has been the most influential person in your life (and why)?
I have had many people in my life who have been influential to me as in my mom and dad, but my grandfather always seems to give me good advice and influenced me with many stories when I was younger.
One thing I cannot live without is…?
My parents, friends, hockey and having fun.
My dream vacation destination is…?
Some place warm by the ocean with a big boat.
Tell us one thing that fans may not know about you?
I was drafted by the Anaheim Ducks in 2007.
Past-time/hobby: Go the beach/watch movies
Restaurant: The Keg Steakhouse
Book: (not a big reader)
TV show: Deadliest Catch
Movie: The Hangover
Actor/Actress: Kevin James
Singer/Band: Kenny Chesney
Sport (other than your own): Golf
Pro sports team: Philadelphia Flyers
Pro sports athlete: Henrik Zetterberg