Getting to Know...Randy Roseway

Getting to Know...Randy Roseway

X-Men football wide receiver Randy Roseway is the latest athlete featured in our Getting to Know your X-Women and X-Men series throughout the summer. Randy recently completed his third year with the X-Men and is an Arts student from Ottawa, Ont.

Nickname:  Roseway

My favorite StFX sporting moment to date is…?
My touchdown celebration in second year. 

If I could meet any famous person it would be…?
Devon Bailey

My favorite Disney movie or character is…?

My biggest pet peeve is…?
Early mornings

My dream job is…?
Trophy Husband

My biggest fan is…?
My Mother

Tell us something interesting about your hometown?
Ottawa is the home of the Ottawa Senators!


Color:  Blue

Number:  2

Food:  Chicken Shawarma

Holiday:  My Birthday

Social Media: !

TV show:  Game Of Thrones

Vacation spot:  Bora Bora

Singer/Band:  Bob Marley

Item of clothing:  My Snuggie

Pro sports team:  Toronto Raptors/Ottawa Senators

Pro sports athlete:  Maria Sharapova