Getting to Know...Jaelei Meyer

Photo courtesy Erica Roberts
Photo courtesy Erica Roberts

X-Women rugby center and women's hockey defense Jaelei Meyer is the latest athlete featured in our Getting to Know your X-Women and X-Men series throughout the summer. Jaelei is a fourth year Science student from Carlyle, Sask. 

My nickname is…?

My favorite moment to date as a StFX student-athlete is…?
Definitely winning  CIS Rugby Nationals in 2014. The semifinal game against Western was the most intense game I've ever played in. We scored in the final minute of the game then went on to beat McMaster in the championship game!

If I could be StFX President for one day I would…?
Cancel classes and buy every student a waffle from the Waffle Bus Stop.

A unique talent or skill I have is…?
I can eat a lot…I once ate 16 hotdogs to win a hot dog eating contest.

My biggest pet peeve is…?
When people text at the dinner table.

My favorite childhood memory is…?
My siblings and I got into a lot of shenanigans growing up, anywhere from shattering my Uncle's brand new tractor door window because we wanted to test out the new BB guns or going quading in my uncles field during harvest (oops..sorry). I'm sure my Uncles don't enjoy those memories as much as we do.

My dream job is…?
Exploration‎ Geologist.

Something interesting about my hometown is…? 
From my house you can see the most beautiful sunsets overlooking the lake, and Michael's Coffee Shop has the best cinnamon buns!


Class:  Advanced Sedimentology & Stratigraphy and Structural Geology

Place to Study: Physical Science Building with my fav geo nerds!!

Food: ‎ cous cous tastes so good they had to name it twice or burgers.. I've had "the best burger of my life" plenty of times.

Summer activity: Hiking  

Disney Movie:  Cars

Social Media:  Snapchat

TV show:  The 100 & Scandal

Vacation spot:  ‎I've never been on a vacation  but New Zealand & Thailand are on my bucket list!

Singer/Band:  James Bay

Item of clothing:  Extra Large hoodies or Flannels... I once wore one every day for two weeks (Thanks Lo)

Pro sports team:  Washington capitals

Pro sports athlete:  Christopher  Shibley